I'm interested in working on the ORB. My specific areas of interest are in object copying and marshalling. Alan, can you add me to the list of interested parties?

Rick McGuire wrote:
Alan D. Cabrera wrote:

Here is the incubation proposal


I'm interested in assisting with this. I was wrote the adapter code that allowed IBM's WAS CE product to work with the IBM JDK ORB. This required developing a pretty good understanding of how Geronimo hooks into the ORB, as well as finding places where hidden assumptions about ORB behavior created additional tie-ins to a single implementation.

Does anyone have any comments before we vote on it?

Should this also get sent to the incubator list or do we wait until after the vote?

Alex Karasulu and I were talking about it and we both think that it might be a good idea to shoot for making this a TLP. Thoughts?


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