This looks like it should work. I think there is some chance that it would work even better if we provided a transaction manager that wraps our transactioncontextmanager, but it's too early in the morning for me to think straight about it. If you get into problem with connections not being returned to the pool let me know and I will think about it harder.

Thanks David... its too early for me too (at 12:20pm :-P)

How do you provide access to the jdbc connection? By declaring a resource-ref in the j2ee component that is calling hibernate, or some other way?

The datasource(s) are accessed by a resource-ref, from a EAR->EJB, which then delegates to Spring which links up the application code to Hibernate DAOs.

 * * *

I have yet yo try this out yet... its gonna be a fun friday... oh boy :-\


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