Attention Maven Committers !

I really wish we had a maven committer too involved with the m2
migration effort. There are atleast 3 maven JIRAs that we desperately
need. Hopefully, then you could empathize with our pain and help us
get those JIRAs resolved :-)

Here are some of them to begin with - is needed to "flatten"
dir structures during assembly. can help us extract
*-builder-* artifacts for our schemas. is needed to jar up classes
into web-inf/lib/classes.jar


On 6/6/06, anita kulshreshtha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
     I have already linked GERONIMO-2066, GERONIMO-2067, and
GERONIMO-2082 to GERONIMO-2071. I am going to link GERONIMO-1740 also.
Yes, for any new work we can create subtasks.


--- Jacek Laskowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 6/6/06, Prasad Kashyap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Now that we have something like a baseline of M2 in the trunk, can
> we
> > please go back to creating subtasks under Geronimo-2071 for any
> > current work that we are doing. This will help us prevent
> duplication.
> Thanks Prasad! I thought it was me who could not follow what was
> being
> done and meant to propose exactly what you did.
> > Prasad
> Jacek
> --
> Jacek Laskowski

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