+1 . How about having "sandbox" as part of the name of the Project or Component so it is clear to users what the status of the project is.


Alan D. Cabrera wrote:
Well, who can argue with that line of reasoning.  :)

Now that I think of it, if making a Jira project helps build a community around it, let's do it. It will be trivial to drop the project, as Dain has previously mentioned.


Jason Dillon wrote:
GShell isn't gonna die... it will rule the world one day... its
already kicking much ass.

Unix geeks are gonna love us... :-]


On 6/9/06, Dain Sundstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Jun 9, 2006, at 9:35 AM, Alan D. Cabrera wrote:

> Jason Dillon wrote:
>> Can we create a new JIRA project for GShell?  I've got a bunch of
>> task/todo items that I would like to track in JIRA so it is easier
>> to prioritize and plan.
>> Thoughts?
>> --jason
> IMO, if it gets out of the sandbox, it deserves a Jira project.

I seen no reason not to give it a JIRA.  If it dies in the sandbox,
we can always delete the JIRA.


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