Man, you have some serious windows scars or you need to ease off on the coffee :-)


Jason Dillon wrote:
Um... blah... lets go back 10 years and give everything 8.3 names with mad cryptic names in one directory with a slew of meaning-deficient 3 letter suffixes to tell stuff apart.

Oh... no... wait, lets create a long file name obfuscation system using ~[0-9] suffixes on truncated filenames... ya that will be better.

Or lets just number all files 1-1000000

Or how about we generate secure randoms for each file name?

or... how about lets just put everything into one big sparse file...

Or we could have a post processor that takes a normal assembly + config and then truncates everything and adds a metadata descriptor for resolution.

No, thats is too much... lets just use one big sparse file... though secure random file names is starting to grow on me.



On Jul 18, 2006, at 9:01 PM, John Sisson wrote:

I have already run into problems with path lengths in the 1.1 branch with daytrader now we have moved to 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT. See

Considering the number of developers (and possibly future developers) on the windows platform, we should ensure it works. Even if it means we have to shorten the names. The groupid and artifactIds are just identifiers, you can have nice long descriptions in the pom files if you like :-)


Jason Dillon wrote:
I think the 'samples' bit is not really necessary here.

The groupId is just to organize artifacts in the repo. It does not (and should not) represent the full logical structure or package hierarchy of the application/component.

But, I also don't think that it makes sense to artificially shorten either just to hack around platform specific issues either.


On Jul 18, 2006, at 12:09 PM, Jeff Genender wrote:

I am a big fan of org.apache.geronimo.samples.daytrader.  But...are we
leading ourselves down the path of a Windows dir size too big nightmare?


Jason Dillon wrote:
Why not give it is own:



On Jul 18, 2006, at 11:59 AM, Prasad Kashyap wrote:

The DayTrader project needs a consistent groupId for all it's
artifacts. Currently, some of it's artifacts are under the "geronimo"
groupid while others are under the "org.apache.geronimo" groupid.

I discussed this with Matt and we decided to pose this Q to the
community. One option is to have a groupId called
"org.apache.geronimo.samples" which will be home to daytrader
artifacts, other samples we currently have and ones to come.

One other thing to consider is the very long artifactId name of some
of daytrader's artifacts. An example is something like
daytrader-derby-jetty-streamer. When this is coupled with an equally
long groupId name, we'll be close to hitting the path limit on


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