Inline -

On 7/19/06, anita kulshreshtha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

--- Jason Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It is my opinion that we should probably start the RTC process now
> for merging the svkmerge/m2migration branch to trunk and to deprecate
> the Maven 1 build... and nuke its build files.

   Is this necessary? It is a nice thing to have during bug fixes.

Hmmm....  Anita, I too don't see the need for it. Why can't the m2
build be used for bug fixes ? For bugs in the m2 build itself, we can
always refer to an older branch or revision that had maven 1. I think
we just have to force people to switch to m2.

> My recommendation is that we:
>   * RTC vote genesis to be a peer-project to trunk
>   * RTC vote the m2migration branch to be merged back to trunk
> I would prefer to finish up the work on trunk, but I am fine to merge
> back to trunk a working m2 build and then continue on the m2migration
> for another week or so to bunch up changes into per-week intervals
> for RTC merge-back to trunk (this is not ideal, but will work if that
> is what is required to get it done).
> IMO it is better to get trunk sync'd up with the new m2 work that has
> been done so that when others change configuration that it will get
> applied to the new build and not get lost in the transition.

I am planning to maintain the packaging plugin and configs on the trunk
despite all the cosmetic changes done by RTC-2161. I still need to add
some functionality and tie some loose ends. I need to add classPath fix
and fix. Jason, Do I have your permission
to do so?
We should submit 3 patches for RTC -
1. One from the branch
2. One with packaging plugin and configs made from the trunk
3. One with assembly plugin and Assemblies made from the trunk
    The patches 2 and 3 can be reviewed and tested independently of 1.
   IMO this is the only way to keep the build current at all times
while we wait for RTC and other issues to be resolved.
    What do PMC members who will be reviewing this work feel about this

Just a word of caution - The more the number of RTC, the more the delay.

> I am confident that we can get the m2 build finished in the next few
> weeks... pending the time required to RTC.

    Things do not always go as planned. I had planned to have all the
servers running on the trunk before I left for my vacation.



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