Hernan Cunico wrote:
Hi All,
this is a friendly reminder that the Moin Moin wiki ( namely wiki.apache.org/geronimo ) is being migrated to the confluence based http://cwiki.apache.org/geronimo

Please refrain from continuing updating content to the Moin Moin wiki. The current migration status can me seen at http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/GMOxMoinMoin/Home

I tried looking at the status and got a page not found. I also tried http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/GMOxMoinMoin and got a "Not Permitted" page.

This is the raw content migrated so far from the Moin Moin wiki has not been edited yet, this is a temporary space while migrating.

This is the first step of several, later this content will be evaluated for accuracy and then incorporated to one of the cwiki.apache.org/geronimo sub-structures.

Comments, suggestions and HELP! are very much welcomed.

Will information be moved to space for a particular release? E.G. the build instructions for 1.1.x will differ to 1.2?


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