Just a correction....

On Aug 23, 2006, at 1:14 PM, David Blevins wrote:

On Aug 22, 2006, at 6:56 PM, David Blevins wrote:

I'd be more inclined to talk about what we want to apply it to and how.

More thoughts on the "where" and "how" topic.

So far my thoughts on "how"; review to your satisfaction and +1, 72 hour cut off.

As far as "where" ....

I'm inclined to say "at your discretion" where the following are encouraged:
 - Significant new functionality
 - Significant changes
 - Patches from Contributors
 - Borderline "fixes" to a stable branch

Whether or not it merits RTC would be at your discretion.  It is to
your advantage in these situations because:

- "Significant new functionality" and "Significant changes": It's a
   "Get out of jail free" card.  Having more people understand your
   code keeps you from spending all day on the user list.  You do
   support your code on the user list, right?

The sentence "Having more people...", should be "Also, having more people..." as to make it clear that it's a second unrelated point rather than an explanation of the first point.


- "Patches from Contributors": Getting three votes for your patches
   is not a bad way to, in time, get your three votes to be a
   committer.  Let's be clear, someone who commits all your patches
   with no review from others on the project isn't doing you any
   favors.  It's in your interest to push to get your votes on every

- "Borderline 'fixes' to a stable branch": It's a given you will
   think everything you want to put in a stable branch is important.
   But, is it a fix or is it a new feature?  If you think others may
   disagree, you may want to put it up for review or you may find
   yourself running the TCK all alone with no help.

Those are the advantages you stand to gain should you choose to use RTC for any of the above situations. RTC is not the only way to get the above benefits, so it is at your discretion whether or not your situation merits it.

My pragmatic take on RTC for the moment.


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