On Sep 4, 2006, at 1:34 PM, Jason Dillon wrote:

On Sep 4, 2006, at 12:19 PM, Bill Dudney wrote:
    [GERONIMO-2354] Replace concurrent with backport-concurrent-util
      - Assignee: Unassigned
      - Reporter: Jason Dillon
      - Created:  Sun Aug 27 21:53:39 PDT 2006
      - Updated:  Tue Aug 29 19:39:58 PDT 2006
      - Votes: 0
      - http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO-2354

-1 patch does not work for me - but it looks like a simple dependency problem from the log, I updated the issue with the stack trace

From your comments I don't think you fixed the configs/client/ pom.xml and/or you might have had something stale in your assembly.

As I mentioned, I just re-tested the patch and there were no errors.

I'll retest, is it worth posting a new patch? Would make it slightly easier for others to test the patch.

    [GERONIMO-2364] Update geronimo to use ActiveMQ 4.1.x
      - Assignee: Hiram Chirino
      - Reporter: Hiram Chirino
      - Created:  Tue Aug 29 12:21:46 PDT 2006
      - Updated:  Thu Aug 31 22:46:27 PDT 2006
      - Votes: 0
      - http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO-2364

-1 tried this patch and got a stack trace - I updated the jira

From the stack you posted, it does not look like you updated ActiveMQManagerGBean as I mentioned was the fix for this exception ( its the comment right before your stack :-P )

Dooh! how about a new patch that includes the NPE fix. I'd be glad to post it if you think its worth it. I think this one is definitely worth it cause it makes it simply patch, rebuild, test instead of having to manually edit stuff.



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