I know what you mean. I just worked on the app that David was talking
about those do need a separate module by themselves. I didn't realise
his scenario until I saw the JIRA.

I was talking about something like
testsuite/web-testsuite/test-servlet25. This example builds a war and
tests it in the same pom.


On 12/8/06, Jason Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Dec 8, 2006, at 6:30 AM, Prasad Kashyap wrote:
> 1) just make a copy of test-deployment, (say call it cxf-deployment)
> 2) use it's child profile to go thro the complete maven lifecycle -
> compile, build and test your apps.
> 3) it's parent (deployment-testsuite) will take care of the server
> start/stop and reporting for you.

This won't actually work as easily as you may have imagined Prasad.
To effectively build some apps, you actually need to have them live
in their own module, so that they can be built using the associated
maven plugins.

I do not believe that the current testsuite setup takes this into
account... and this is why I think it is premature to simply roll out
the same config/layout with out having some more real tests, which
build these test applications and allow for effective organization.

I don't think we are quite there yet... close, but still a bit off.


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