Hi, I still think there needs to be a general consensus for the handling of annotations in Geronimo. So, to better explain this design proposal I've created a few simple UML diagrams that demonstrates how it might work with one of the Geronimo builders--i.e. Tomcat.

Here's the link to the URL diagrams: 

-- The first is just a diagram of the pertinent high-level use cases for JSR-88 

-- The second is an interaction diagram of deployment at a very high-level as it currently works for Tomcat

-- The third is the proposed interaction diagram of how deployment will generally flow with annotations. Namely: -- Geronimo will find/discover all the annotations in the artifact being deployed prior to the createModule invocation on the TomcatBuilder -- Geronimo will then update the deployment descriptor tags in the XML accordingly and then set the Metadata-Complete tag -- Finally, during installation of module, Geronimo will invoke Tomcat's AnnotationProcessor implementation and pass it the array of annotations that have been discovered, and Tomcat's AnnotationProcessor will handle handle those runtime-type annotations (e.g., PreDestory, PostConstruct, etc...) without corresponding deployment descriptor tags. Note also that Tomcat's AnnotationProcessor handles the resource injection as well.

-- The fourth is just a class diagram (not yet complete) that shows the new 
Geronimo annotation classes

-- Is this a pattern that can be consistently used for other builders as well like Jetty, Axis, OpenEJB, Web Services, etc ?? -- Is it reasonable to assume that these other components will have their own AnnotationProcessor implementation (like Tomcat) that can be invoked by Geronimo during deployment ??

Tim McConnell

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