--- Donald Woods <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> And how does the portOffset relate to this?  If you start with 1098, 
> isn't the next server instance going to use 1099 and the next one
> 1100? 
>   If so, why not start with 1099 and let the next one use 1100 and
> then 
> 1101?
> It's not clear to me either why the RMI port default needs to be 
> changed....  Do we not want one RMI registry to be shared by all
> server 
> instances?
   The portoffset should be chosen such that there are no port
conflicts. Which will rule out portOffset=1. Usually portOffsets are
chosen 100, 200,.. or 1000, 2000, etc. For current port assignments
10,20,30... should also work. I have tested with 10.



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