Yeah try the one daily driver I updated last Friday. All I did was upgrade the packages and did not have a chance to do any testing. If it fails, let me know and fix up any issues.



On May 20, 2007, at 10:00 PM, Ted Kirby wrote:


I have just gotten the eclipse plugin to start Geronimo 2.0 with eclipse 3.3M6.
The plugin was last changed on April 30, and several changes in AG
have occurred since then.  I can start the server, but with two
patches applied:  G3174, and GERONIMODEVTOOLS-146.  G3174 really
applies to the plugin.

G3174 changes to class to start AG, and GD-146 adds the
java.endorsed.dirs property.  It looks like javaagent and
java.ext.dirs should also be added to the start command from the

On May 18, Sachin upgraded to 3.3M7.  I have not made that upgrade,
and cannot speak to that level.  I presume the above two patches and
other work I mentioned will be needed for 3.3M7.

Ted Kirby

On 5/20/07, Jacek Laskowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Can I use the Eclipse plugin with Geronimo 2.0? What Eclipse version
do I need? I can't seem to run Eclipse 3.3M7 and Eclipse Plugin 2.0.0
(g-eclipse-plugin-2.0.0-v20070517.1449-deployable) with the daily
build of Geronimo 2.0


Jacek Laskowski

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