So, if we are using virtual hosts, we'll have no way of knowing which host(s) an app maps to? If we have /welcome installed on multiple virtual hosts, will we now see it listed multiple times as just /welcome ?


Jeff Genender wrote:

The old messages made no sense at all...because Web application !=
connector and therefore its not fair to determine that the web
applications actually listen on http.  In long discussions with David
Jencks, we agreed the slapping of http in from of the URL was purely a
hack and was not correct for complex cases...i.e. the applications you
listed also are running on https *and* ajp.  In otherwords, the web
application is independent of the scheme (http) and it shouldn't know
its own scheme.

It *is* correct for the web application to know it's identified by the
context, and thats why you see them listed.

I hope this made sense.


Kevan Miller wrote:
I noticed that the server started messages have changed. The started Web
Applications are now of the following form:

  Web Applications:

Geronimo Application Server started

Where they used to be:

  Web Applications:

Geronimo Application Server started

I'm assuming that this is associated with the recent Connector
changes... I preferred the old messages, but I doubt I'll lose very much
sleep... Apologies if I missed discussion about this. Even more
apologies if the network config on my machine has gone bonkers... ;-)


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