On Aug 6, 2007, at 12:59 PM, Donald Woods wrote:

we should consider the more drastic changes, like moving the base Admin Console support (via Pluto 1.2) out to /plugins

I really like that idea for a couple of reasons -
- it allows us to keep the admin console that's currently at server/ trunk/applications/console in place until the new extensible admin console is ready and can scale up from minimal to full JEE5 functionality plus debug views, etc. - I like the idea of streamlining server/trunk for JEE5 stuff and moving the optional stuff elsewhere

My only reservation (and its no biggie) is that using the location / plugins for optional stuff is misleading since there will be stuff in server/trunk that's required for JEE5 (i.e. not optional) but implemented as plugins like tomcat, jetty, amq, openejb, etc. Calling something a plugin is a statement about its packaging and deployment mechanism, and not whether it is required or optional.

So maybe "/opt" or some such would be a better place to put the extensible admin console, tuscany (eventually), directory server, samples, roller, etc...

and start moving the Portlets into the actual modules/configs that they administer....

I like this idea from a conceptual point of view since it keeps things neat and well organized. But I am not sure how to implement it since the main geronimo components are typically packaged in JARs, and the admin portlets for a component have to be packaged in a WAR (that's just the way that pluto works). i.e. a JAR can't contain a WAR.

Some options I can think of:
- use EAR as the packaging format for all geronimo components and package the admin WARs inside them - maintain geronimo components and their admin WARs separately. bind them at deployment time via the plugin installer's dependency resolution or by some enhancement to the maven car plugin - package the geronimo components as WARs so the admin portlets can be merged with them. (seems like the tail wagging the dog) - follow some organizational structure like in your previous email where each geronimo component has a module, config, and (now) WAR subdirectory

Just brainstorming here...

Best wishes,

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