Have you verified there is no firewall running on your Linux box and that the Windows machine can ping the Linux box with the IP address you are using?


Rodrigo Rodrigues da Silva wrote:

I tried out 2.0-rc1 release (as posted by David to [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) and could reproduce bug GERONIMO-3191, which had been considered as closed. I have a Ubuntu Linux 7.04 with sun-jdk-1.5.0 running geronimo. From a Windows Vista Machine I ran the following command:

deploy --host <> --user system --password manager --port 1099 login

which returned:

Error: Unable to connect to server at
deployer:geronimo:jmx:// – no such object in table

if I run it from the server Linux machine, it works.

I haven't ever been able to access remote linux servers (specially from Eclipse) but this specific situation has been tested only on this release.

I was wondering if anyone could reproduce it since I may have commited some configuration mistake. hope it helps.


On 8/9/07, * David Jencks* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    I'd recommend trying with the about to be released unless someone
    finds a major problem 2.0 release you can find here

    You won't have this exact problem because the
    JaasLoginServiceRemotingServer  gbean isn't in the latest version.

    If you wish to continue with 2.0-M6  the problem is that the
    JaasLoginServiceRemotingServer can't figure out what ip address to
    bind onto.  Have you perhaps changed var/config/config-
    substitutions.properties?  Or perhaps your hostnames aren't quite
    right?  something seems to expect your computer to be named "testing"

    david jencks

    On Aug 9, 2007, at 9:39 AM, Filipe Sousa wrote:

     > Hi!
     > I just download the last version of geronimo
     > (geronimo-tomcat6-jee5-2.0-M6) and I'm trying to start the server
     > geronimo.sh:
     > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/opt/geronimo-tomcat6-jee5-2.0-M6/bin $ ./
     > geronimo.sh run
     > but fails at 16%:
     > [****>                          ] 16%   4s Startup failed
     > The stack trace start with this log (the complete log is attached)
     > 7:22:37,995 ERROR [GBeanInstanceState] Error while starting;
    GBean is
     > now in the FAILED state:
     > abstractName="org.apache.geronimo.configs/j2ee-security/2.0-M6/car?
     > ServiceModule=org.apache.geronimo.configs/j2ee-se
     > This is my first contact with geronimo, maybe I am doing something
     > wrong.
     > Some useful information of my java environment:
     > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/opt/geronimo-tomcat6-jee5-2.0-M6 /bin $ echo
     > $JAVA_HOME
     > /home/fsousa/opt/java/jdk1.5.0_12
     > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/opt/geronimo-tomcat6-jee5-2.0-M6/bin $ java -version
     > java version "1.5.0_12"
     > Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_12-b04)
     > Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 1.5.0_12-b04, mixed mode)
     > --
     > Filipe Sousa
     > <geronimo.log>

Rodrigo Rodrigues da Silva
Engenharia de Computação - Coop8
Grêmio Politécnico - Gestão Colabora

"Não importa como morre o home, importa como vive." Carijó, velho do rio.

"To the person with only a hammer, everything looks like a nail." bussdriver

Rodrigo Rodrigues da Silva
Engenharia de Computação - Coop8
Grêmio Politécnico - Gestão Colabora

"Não importa como morre o home, importa como vive." Carijó, velho do rio.

"To the person with only a hammer, everything looks like a nail." bussdriver

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