Welcome Jon :-)
This is very much needed.

Following discussions will tell you about some of the similar work happening
* http://www.mail-archive.com/dev@geronimo.apache.org/msg39672.html
* http://www.mail-archive.com/dev@geronimo.apache.org/msg46831.html
* http://www.mail-archive.com/dev@geronimo.apache.org/msg49216.html

One concern as mentioned in
http://www.mail-archive.com/dev@geronimo.apache.org/msg37264.html is whether
such annotations should be based on XDoclet or JSR-175? With EJB 3.0 having
JSR-175 annotations, it might be more intuitive for developers to have
OpenEJB/Geronimo specific annotations also to be based on JSR-175. Request
you to give a thought on these.

Comments welcome.

- Shiva

On 8/15/07, Jonathan Gallimore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Jason, Bill, Mark,
> Many thanks for your responses. I'm currently doing a build of the latest
> code, and will have a look the deployment generator interface today. At
> first glance I don't really think its quite what I'm after, I'm really
> hoping for something that can generate these files for me during my build
> process without any intervention. If possible I'd also quite like to be able
> the same app on both JBoss and Geronimo and generate all the deployment
> descriptors for both at build time.
> It sounds from your reply, Mark, that what I've done on my XDoclet plugin
> might be quite helpful. I'm quite happy to develop it further if people find
> it useful. Presumably its ok if add this to JIRA and assign it to myself and
> continue working on it?
> Regards,
> Jon
> Mark Aufdencamp wrote:
> Jonathan,
> I have run into this issue as well.  Please see my posts from the
> Spring.   My research revealed that the OpenEJB XDoclet implementation
> was indeed for version 1.0 of OpenEJB.  I did not find a release for
> version 2.0 of OpenEJB.
> Not having the openejb-jar.xml mappings generated from the source did
> make managing my Entity Beans a little harrier.  I was able to generate
> the ejb-jar.xml from the XDoclet annotations, but had to hand develop
> the openejb-jar.xml from scratch.  It worked, but I'd love to be able to
> plug-in an XDoclet module and have the base openejb-jar.xml generated.
> It whould serve as an initial source for a deployment tool utilized by a
> Server Administrator.  That enables clear seperation of developer and
> administrator duties, while offering codebase stability and deployment
> flexibility.
> Mark Aufdencamp
>    -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Using XDoclet to generate openejb-jar.xml
> From: Jonathan Gallimore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, August 14, 2007 7:28 am
> Hi All,
> Apologies if this has been asked before, but I was wondering whether
> anyone uses XDoclet to generate their openejb-jar.xml deployment
> descriptors?
> Currently we're developing for JBoss 4, and are part way through getting
> our app to deploy on the community edition of Websphere. The J2G
> migration tool has done an excellent job of migrating our deployment
> descriptors, but going forward I'd still like to add all the necessary
> XML stuff for new EJBs using XDoclet rather than hand editing the 
> openejb-jar.xml. Having hunted around it looks like the openejb task
> that comes with XDoclet is for a much older version, and only handles
> session beans.
> I've started work on an xdoclet plugin that generates a basic openejb-jar.xml 
> for me, and I was just wondering whether I had missed an
> existing tool/plugin and was just duplicating work (obviously if I
> haven't and this is a useful piece of work, I'd be happy to continue and
> share it).
> I'd appreciate any thoughts anyone has.
> Regards,
> Jon

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