Now that we've gotten through the issues that stalled 2.0 we have a successful vote and I've updated the Press Release as well with version information.

This should be pretty good as it was the mostly approved version before the security problem.

Please review and perhaps the PRC can comment on their timings so we can get in sync.


===== DRAFT =====

Apache Geronimo Version 2.0.1 released by Apache Software Foundation

date/time/location—The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) announced today the release of Apache Geronimo Version 2.0.1 (http:// <>). This release represents the latest open source Java Enterprise Edition 5.0 application server from the Apache Geronimo project, and continues the evolution of the Apache Geronimo server by adding new features and capabilities to a fully compliant and certified Java Enterprise Edition container suitable for everything from a development environment to enterprise-level deployments.

The newly released Apache Geronimo 2.0.1 breaks new ground as the first Open Source Application Server to provide two certified JAX-WS Web Services implementations: Apache Axis2 and Apache CXF. This capability further highlights the flexibility of Apache Geronimo which also provides two certified Web Container implementations: Apache Tomcat and Jetty.

Geronimo 2.0 also introduces new features such as simplified development, improved diagnostics and flexible assemblies. Simplified deployment is achieved through the use of standards based programming model enhancements found in Java Enterprise Edition 5.0. This includes support for the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.0 specification as implemented by the Apache OpenEJB and Apache OpenJPA projects. Here is a list of some of these programming enhancements:

- Streamlined development options provided with Java Enterprise Edition 5.0
- EJB 3.0 persistence
- A programming model that uses annotations to express developer defaults in the source code

Improved diagnostic capabilities include enhanced logging, class loader viewer as well as JMX browser which are all available from the web based console. Change logging levels on the fly as well as view existing logs with a set of filters. Looking for a class and wondering where it came from? The class loader viewer let’s you find them. Want to see or change the attributes for MBeans in the server? The JMX browser allows you to navigate the MBeans in the server in a simple tree format without having to hook up external consoles or third party products.

Flexible assemblies are realized through the project’s continued promotion of the ”Little G” Version 2.0—a lightweight container offering for projects that don’t need the full feature set of Java Enterprise Edition 5.0. Perfect for web-service and SOA deployments, "Little G" brings the modularity, manageability and extensibility of Apache Geronimo to a lightweight assembly that is small in footprint but full of capability.

This flexible, user-friendly, and easy-to-configure application server is built from best-of-breed open source components and is fully licensed under the Apache Software License, offering multiple benefits to organizations and their development teams. They can use Apache Geronimo as-is or, if they so choose, create their own custom offerings without the restrictions imposed by other Open Source licenses. Flexibility and choice, you have both with Apache Geronimo.

The software can be downloaded for free from the Apache Geronimo web site ( <>/ ).

About the Apache Software Foundation
The Apache Software Foundation provides organizational, legal and financial support for a broad range of open source software projects. The Foundation provides an established framework for intellectual property and financial contributions, while simultaneously limiting contributors' potential legal exposure. Through a collaborative and meritocratic development process, Apache projects deliver enterprise- grade, freely available software products that attract large communities of users. The pragmatic Apache License makes it easy for all users--commercial and individual--to deploy Apache products. For more information on The Apache Software Foundation, please visit <>/.

Java, J2EE, Java Enterprise Edition, and Enterprise JavaBeans are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks or registered trademarks herein are property of their respective owners.

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