On Dec 6, 2007, at 12:45 PM, Viet Nguyen wrote:

There are goods and bads to both sides to this. If we strictly follow
JSR 77, which means we will use MEJB and are forced to have OpenEJB as
a pre-req, we won't have to worry if our architecture is good or not
(I hope this is right), because we're following a standard for
monitoring and management. On the flip side, if we use JMX to get a
hold of the statistics, we will be able to monitor any type of server.

I'm aware that some commercial servers make sure that they support JSR-77 as they have to. Unfortunately, JSR-77 can be heavy and the commercial servers, *they who must not be named*, use lighter weight stuff under the covers and use their statistics for monitoring and make JSR-77 available for those that want to code to it. JSR-77 is a required implementation but not the only way to do it.

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