I'd like to start spending more time actively working on the Tuscany
Geronimo integration and having that more support the SCA JEE specification
(see: [1]). Here is a rough outline of what i'd like to do:

The goal of this would be to use Geronimo and Tuscany to create an
SCA-enabled Java EE runtime, which from the SCA JEE specification means "a
Java EE runtime that supports deployment and execution of SCA-enhanced Java
EE applications as well as SCA-enhanced Java EE modules."

We already have a start of that with the old Tuscany Geronimo Plugin [2] and
there's another wiki page thats started to be used to capture some
requirements at [3]. Currently the old TGP has got out of date and doesn't
work with any current releases of Geronimo or Tuscany so the first thing to
do is to get a basic plugin going again and then gradually add functionality
to it so it does things like:
- adds all Tuscany jars and their dependencys into Geronimo
- supports existing Tuscany webapps without needing to include any Tuscany
jars or dependencys in the lib directory
- supports simple jar contributions into a Tuscany standalone node
- supports Tuscany using Geronimo infrastructure for things such as HTTP and
JMS hosts
- supports for SCA enabled JEE application local assembly
- supports SCA wiring across JEE applications and modules

Thats a high level and incomplete list, it is in a rough order of when
things get done and some of the items may not be needed in the log term but
are just stepping stones to the later items. There's been lots of off list
discussion about this so i'd like to try to move that all to the mailing
lists from now so everyone can participate and can see whats going on. I'd
like to try to break the work down into several milestones with actual
releases that we can ask users in both Tuscany and Geronimo to try out as we
go along to get feedback and also to try to promote some interest around SCA
in JEE.


[2] http://cwiki.apache.org/TUSCANYWIKI/tuscany-geronimo-integration.html

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