I've been doing some experimenting using svn.eu.apache.org with git, so far it has gone well. I've been reading infra mail some folks do run into problems from time to time. So I'm limiting my changes to only small things, no large refactorings yet, but it is looking very hopeful. That and there has been some discussion on the infra list about an ASF git repo, hopefully that will be per TLP, but who knows.


On Dec 6, 2008, at 1:22 AM, Kevan Miller wrote:

On Dec 4, 2008, at 9:13 AM, Jason Dillon wrote:

Has anyone figured out a way to use git, hg, or bzr for G (or other ASF) development?

Some projects are creating git mirrors of svn. There's been some chatter on infrastructure@ I haven't really looked at it. I don't recall any hg or bzr discussions.

IIUC, you have to use the eu svn server.

Also saw the following http://markmail.org/message/fzzy7nepk7olx5fl#query :+page:1+mid:zrujbjp7dqj5di4z+state:results


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