Hi Ganny, please find my comment inline.

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 6:46 PM, Gianny Damour <gianny.dam...@optusnet.com.au
> wrote:

> Hi,
> In addition to this doc update, what about trying to uniformise the node
> name?

Not sure If I understand the idea. I assume you were suggesting to use
<clustering-wadi/> element for both Tomcat and Jetty.  If yes, it would be

> if the XSD was not extracted, then it was an oversight.

If both Tomcat and Jetty is using the same element for WADI clustering,  can
we port the element into geronimo-web.xsd instead of hiding it under
different plugins?  In that case,  we don't have to worry about this

just a piece of wild thought here. not sure if it's practical.

Jeff C

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