Here's my +1 as well ... but I did notice a few strange things that I don't think have been pointed out yet:

Perhaps the most annoying thing is that we aren't including the tranql connector rars in server images as with previous releases. I guess this isn't a big concern because they should be available via other means - just a bit annoying.

I also noticed a dependency management entry in the root pom for a geronimo bundle of axiom (at a SNAPSHOT version). This doesn't actually exist but it seems that it isn't causing any build issues either.

I was able to build fine and I ran one of the EBA samples in the tomcat assembly.


On 6/9/10 4:13 PM, Rick McGuire wrote:
A new 3.0-M1 release candidate is ready for review.  The LICENSE problem
has been corrected and the missed testsuite updates that Jarek noticed
have been included.

See the JIRA issues here:

Staged to

The main artifacts up for vote are the source release archives

If you vote you should at least examine these and make sure something
plausible builds from them.

The voting will be open a minimum of 72 hours.

[ ] +1 about time to push this out the door
[ ] 0 no opinion
[ ] -1 not this one (please explain why)


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