Try this config in your apache httpd.conf:

LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/

<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
ProxyPass /console ajp://localhost:8009/console
ProxyPass /dojo ajp://localhost:8009/dojo
ProxyPassReverse / ajp://localhost:8009/


On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 4:41 PM, Johannes Weberhofer <> wrote:

> I have investigated the problem and have found out, that the
> geronimo-server itself works nicely.  When I access it directly via port
> 8080, there are no problems at all.
> In my (test) environment I'm accessing geronimo via apace ajp as reverse
> proxy; in this case, the complete left menu is not there (btw. I had to add
> /dojo/ to the proxied directories).
> In the direct connection, I see an empty left hand menu and no other items
> when I turn JavaScript off. So I guess, it's a problem related to rendering
> with Javascript? Do the Portlets produce other code when accesses via ajp?
> Johannes
> Am 09.12.10 05:37, schrieb Jay D. McHugh:
>  When I built from source, the menu initially showed up collapsed.
>> Is that what you are seeing?
>> Jay
>> On 12/08/2010 05:20 PM, Johannes Weberhofer wrote:
>>> Strange - I could compile+start the packages without problems, but in
>>> both -javaee5 (tomcat and jetty) packages I do not have any menu at the
>>> left hand /console/portal/ interface.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Johannes
>>> Am 08.12.10 19:13, schrieb Jay D. McHugh:
>>>> When I build and start the Tomcat JavaEE server I do not have the
>>>> database pools menu choice. I am looking under 'services'.
>>>> Did it move?
>>>> As confirmation I am double checking the prebuilt bin on the staging
>>>> site.
>>>> Please do not call the vote until I have a chance to confirm whether
>>>> this is a problem or not.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jay
>>>> On 12/03/2010 09:20 PM, Shawn Jiang wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> A release candidate for Geronimo 2.2.1 has been created and staged.
>>>>> The tag has been created here:
>>>>> The staging repo is here:
>>>>> The main artifacts up for vote are the source release archives:
>>>>> The vote will be open for the 72-hour minimum.
>>>>> [ ] +1 about time to push this out the door
>>>>> [ ] 0 no opinion
>>>>> [ ] -1 not this one (please explain why)
> --
> Johannes Weberhofer
> Weberhofer GmbH, Austria, Vienna

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