
i am the author and IP holder of the "javamail mock2 library which"
maybe can be used an as alternative for greenmail here.
Its not exactly doing what greenmail is doing (mock2 is mocking
javamail classes like Folder, Transport, Store and so on and does not
emulate a mailserver on the protocol level) but normally this doesn't
I am also willing to donate the stuff to apache incubator if its
considered to be worthy and useful.

Library is here: https://github.com/salyh/javamail-mock2 (AL License)


On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 9:36 PM, Steve Rowe <sar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, my name is Steve Rowe, and I'm a member of the Apache Lucene PMC.
> We recently discovered that the "greenmail" Java library, which declares its
> license as ASLv2 in its POM and elsewhere, has LGPL license headers in its
> source code files.  In response the Lucene project reverted a recent commit
> containing this depedency.
> I conducted a survey of current Apache releases and found that four Apache
> projects include source code that links to the "greenmail" library: Syncope,
> OODT, Oozie and Geronimo.  Additionally, Axis2 has a Maven POM that includes
> a "greenmail" dependency, though I couldn't find any current releases
> containing this dependency.  Details are posted on
> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LEGAL-206>; I would appreciate your
> project's involvement.
> An issue was filed with the greenmail project on Sourceforge earlier this
> year asking for clarification <http://sourceforge.net/p/greenmail/bugs/8/>,
> but there has been no response on that issue, or any other issue, for that
> matter - the project may be dead, as it has seen no activity for some time.
> Steve

Hendrik Saly (salyh, hendrikdev22)
PGP: 0x22D7F6EC

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