
I updated the converter code in xbean-reflect to add support for JAX-RS style 
string constructors and static factory methods.  We weren't so clever to think 
of this in 2006, but it definitely fits.

Moreover, I don't think we need half of the built-in Converter/PropertyEditor 
implementations now.  Most of them can be deleted with likely a positive speed 
impact as part of the process of converting is looping over all the built-in 
Converter/PropertyEditor instances.  There's a second startup improvement as 
well as they are created eagerly via static initializer.

I'd love to do a 4.x release of this code.  It could be nice to save the 
deleting of the property editors for a potential XBean 5.x.  I'm ok with one or 
the other or both.  I see Ɓukasz's work which might make for a good 5.x 
release, so maybe we just do that.

Thoughts or preferences?


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