Hi Matthew,

that you do not get child elements is odd, could you send me a working basic code snipped that iterates over the root element? Than I could do a quick debug session to see whats wrong.


Matthew Neeley wrote:
Hi Andre-

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 5:58 AM, Andre Fischer <andre.w.fisc...@sun.com> wrote:
Hello Matthew,


Animation nodes are organized as a tree whose root node can be obtained from
each DrawPage.  See com::sun::star::animations for documentation of the
interfaces.  The XAnimationNode::Type specifies the type of each node.
 Inner nodes with children have type AnimationNodeType::PAR (parallel
execution of the child animations) or AnimationNodeType::SEQ (sequential
execution).  Inner nodes implement css::container::XEnumerationAccess to
provide access to their children.

The nodes that start an animation sequence (triggered for example by
pressing the space bar) can be found by looking at the XAnimationNode::BEGIN
attribute.  Their css::animations::Event objects have a Trigger attribute of
value css::animations::EventTrigger::ON_NEXT.


Best regards,

You seem to be describing the C++ API and it doesn't seem to
correspond fully with the StarBasic API.  I'm trying to inspect things
with the Xray tool, so most of what I have found out has been through
playing with that tool:

-I can get at the root animation node via the AnimationNode property
of the DrawPage for each slide.  This object is a
ParallelTimeContainer, which I assume means it has something like
AnimationNodeType::PAR, but I can't find that exactly.  What I do find
is a property called "UserData" which contains a NamedValue with name
"node-type" that contains an integer which seems to be the
AnimationNodeType you refer to (for the root node, it is equal to
com.sun.star.presentation.EffectNodeType.TIMING_ROOT in StarBasic).

-When I look at the "Begin" property of the root animation node, Xray
gives me an error indicating that this value does not exist in this
context.  I see no way to get at any css::animations::Event objects.

-Finally, when I try to iterate over the children by calling
.createEnumeration() on the node and then using a for loop with
.hasMoreElements(), etc., I find no elements.  This is definitely the
root animation node on a draw page _with_ animations.

Any help here would be appreciated.  Do I need to create some new
context-dependent object based on the node for a new interface?  Is
there any way to figure out the correspondence between Basic API and
C++ API by looking at sources (that is, does the C++ API get exposed
in StarBasic in some predictable way, or are the Basic objects coded
separately as custom wrappers of the various C++ classes)?

Sorry for the very basic questions, but right now I just don't feel
like I have enough knowledge of UNO, StarBasic, etc. to really figure
out this API.


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