Am 01.02.2018 um 12:50 schrieb Jesper Steen Møller:
class R implements Runnable { void run(){}}

def m(Runnable r1, R r2, r3) {

m(new R(), new R(), new R())

Currently, in the 'native-lambda' branch, r1() succeeds, whereas the latter two 
fail to run/compile (depending on dynamic/static compilation), as 'avafanasiev' 
commented on. I do find that confusing: Dynamically, my opinion is that the 
three should work the same.

For static compilation, r1() and r2() should work IMHO, and r3() should be 
rejected. This shouldn't surprise anyone, I think.

you mean because the m has a return value and r3() is void? That is currently passing compilation and the result will be null. This covers with the dynamic version.

Also, surprise-wise,

class Q implements Runnable, Predicate<String> { void run(){}; boolean 
test(String s) { s } }

def n(Runnable q1, Predicate<String> q2, Q q2, q3) {

m(new R(), new R(), new R())

you surely did mean:

def n(Runnable q1, Predicate<String> q2, Q q2, q3) {
     q3() >>      q4()

m(new Q(), new Q(), new Q(), new Q())

I expect this to work then too ;)

bye Jochen

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