I may as well chip in my $0.00 worth.

I like the concept,  that it will be retroactive, and will consider more than 
just code contributions.

I also think the chosen name should be professions looking/sounding and not be 
"cutesy".  Therefore my preference(s) would be:

1. Groovy Champion (to be as close as possible to Java Champion)
2. Groovy Star (due to the logo tie-in)
3. Groovy MVP

Anyone confusing "Most Valuable Player" with "Minimum Viable Product" needs to 
get out and watch more sports ;-)

- Keith

> On Feb 13, 2018, at 4:58 AM, Paul King <pa...@asert.com.au> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> A few of us have had various discussions (in fact over many years)
> about having a recognition scheme similar to Java Champions,
> perhaps called "Groovy Champions" or "Apache Groovy Champions"
> or something else entirely if we think of a better name.
> I think the idea has always been to recognize contribution within the
> whole Groovy ecosystem not just the Apache Groovy project. The many
> tens of projects within the ecosystem are often where many ideas come
> from for the project's future evolution and also where future contributors
> may arise. And in any case, Groovy has always been about making
> coding productive and fun and we should celebrate that widely!
> There are various questions to ask like should such a scheme
> be formally coordinated by the project/by Apache or should it be run as a
> community-driven unsanctioned activity and if so what guidelines should
> be in place. Also, there are many details like how will the scheme operate?
> How are new members elected? Is it a lifetime recognition or is there
> an "emeritus" status? And so forth. Java Champions vote themselves
> on new champions and the recognition has a lifetime status for instance.
> if we progress this idea, we'd need to make that all clear but that isn't
> the purpose of this email - we need to first decide if we like the idea.
> Even if we like the idea, there are still some hurdles to step through.
> We've already sought some informal feedback from other parts of
> Apache and other projects within the Groovy Ecosystem and we'll
> likely need further discussions. We want something that embraces
> the whole community but fits in with Apache project governance
> around trademarks/branding.
> So, the first question is: are we as a project in favor of such a scheme?
> Cheers, Paul.

Keith Suderman
Research Associate
Department of Computer Science
Vassar College, Poughkeepsie NY

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