...and, of course, the

Apache Groovy Community Lifetime Achievement Award


Like the name, +1 (again) on tying the award to a specific year, don't think that mixing commit access with the award makes sense (as in programming: Keep things single purpose - nobdy wants to be fat, be it class or human ;-) )

On 02.03.2018 10:11, Jochen Theodorou wrote:
hi all,

I was thinking a while about all this and all the problems involved here and I want to show an alternative.

Apache Groovy Community Award

Name surely to be changed. The idea is to give a nominal award for what they did in the past. Somebody getting this award will get this for a reason, which is to be stated.

Since it is no title like "champion" and since we can give a description of the reasons the award will be always specific, it is not a title you carry around your lifetime and all of that. Maybe a person could be awarded multiple times, but that is then to decide. That means there will be no discussions about revoking the championship, or for how long this is granted. Also I think the award leaves better space for a good naming. Also we can give commit access along with it, which may or may not be taken, but then includes the official ASF way of recognizing people.

what do you guys think?

bye Jochen

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