On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 11:08 AM, Tezarin <teza...@yahoo.com.invalid> wrote:

>  Good morning,
> I was able to put a check mark in the SFTP checkbox of my SSH connection
> and the file transfer worked transparently as you mentioned. Can you please
> advise how we can enable the SFTP for the Windows boxes via the admin
> interface?
There's a similar checkbox for the RDP connections (and VNC) for enabling
SFTP; however, you also need to specify a SFTP server name, username, and
password, in order for that to work.  This can either be a separate server
(e.g. Linux) that the files are transferred to and then made available, or
you can install a SFTP server on your Windows systems and point it at the
same server.  How you handle authentication and the various challenges with
that will depend on where you point it.  Also, if you choose to use a
separate SFTP server, then you need to find a way to make those files
available to the Windows server - either SFTP clients on the Windows
server, share the files via Samba, etc.

> Also, I came across this URL: https://sourceforge.net/
> p/guacamole/discussion/1110834/thread/9b3cc822/#9a0f
> Is it still valid? If it's true, that means the guacd container is where
> all these transferred files will live (until deleted).
Be careful not to confuse SFTP in RDP connections with RDP-based file
transfer support.  If you use RDP file transfer support, then, yes, the
files will get stored on the system running guacd.  However, if you're
using SFTP, then the files are stored on the SFTP server, wherever that is,
and not (necessarily) on the server running guacd (unless, of course,
that's also the server you use for SFTP).


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