:) no worries, Appy. These are good questions.

It really comes down to the question: would HBase ever provide multiple metrics implementations for users?

As we know metrics in HBase now, there isn't any reason to support multiple implementations of metrics. We have one implementation which is optimal for people to use.

One plausible use-case I can see being built is a metrics implementation that natively uses something _other than_ Hadoop metrics2. Something you may not have seen yet is the translation-layer from Dropwizard Metrics to Metrics2 via HBaseMetrics2HadoopMetricsAdapter.java.

I could see a world where folks would want to build an integration with metrics-library1 to support the metrics platform for their $business1. $business2 might want to use metrics-library2 that can automatically push to something. As we know all too well, there may be conflicting dependencies between metrics-library1 and metrics-library2 to prevent them from successfully functioning on the classpath at the same time. Additionally, $business1 may have a hard requirement to not deploy metrics-library2 (and vice versa). One final concern, bundling our "default" DropwizardMetrics 3-based implementation could cause headaches for users who want to build their own metrics-api implementation.

Granted, all of the above is hypothetical, but I think leaving this flexibility in place is worth the separation of logic.

On 10/25/17 3:35 AM, Apekshit Sharma wrote:
Hi Josh

You're right that naming doesn't make it clear, but Enis added a really
great description in README of hbase-metrics-api to explain what's in each
module. However it's not obvious why are we splitting things into separate
module, as opposed to say, separating implementation in a separate "sub"

I don't know Avatica, but as you clearly state, one of the requirements was
being able to plug in different implementations. Using service provider
clearly makes sense in that case, so does keeping the implementation in a
separate jar to avoid loading it if not needed.
But in case of HBase, even if we have multiple implementations
(hypothetically, because it doesn't seem probable), since the only user
will be HBase and all modules will always be in classpath, it doesn't
really get us anything. Right?
I dug into this code first time today and just learnt about service
providers, so i may be off, in which case please correct me. Thank you!

On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 8:25 PM, Josh Elser <els...@apache.org> wrote:

Hey Appy,

I think Enis essentially copied what I was originally trying to do. Up in
Avatica[1], I made a similar API Maven module which just had interfaces.
The implementation was them split up into a different module to avoid the
implementation details of the API (specifically, using Dropwizard3) from
"infecting" anyone who just wanted the API. Implementations of the metrics
API could be picked up via ServiceLoader.

So, here in HBase, our "hbase-metrics" module is really an implementation
of hbase-metrics-api for dropwizard-metrics 3.2.1 (the naming just loses
that detail).

In Avatica, I wanted to make sure that people could use a metrics library
implementation of their choosing (e.g. tied to whatever kind of container
or app-server you're deploying Avatica). In HBase, that isn't such a
concern -- we publish via Metrics2 and that's it.

That said, I could see a place where this separation enables some extra
functionality with less headache, but I, admittedly, don't have a concrete
use-case behind it.

- Josh

[1] https://github.com/apache/calcite-avatica

On 10/24/17 6:09 PM, Apekshit Sharma wrote:


Am confused why do we have this weird circular dependency between the two
modules: hbase-metrics-api & hbase-metrics. And since maven doesn't allow
it explicitly, this was tucked and hidden by using reflection?

MetricRegistriesImpl[hbase-metrics] implements
MetricRegistriesLoader[hbase-metrics-api] depends on this implementation,
MetricRegistriesImpl, because it instantiates it via reflection

Can we just move all interfaces and default implementation together into
single module. But i like the idea of keeping implementations in separate
package with "impl" explicitly in package name.


-- Appy

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