Thus far, the shaded jars and the archetypes have only been aimed at
consumption during downstream build processes. Namely folks using maven to
build an app.

For those users, only being published in the Apache Nexus repo matters, so
we deployed there (via the deploy step of our release process with release
and apache-release maven profiles). We have not, thus far, included those
jars in our binary tarball. Thus they aren't listed as dependencies of the
assembly module and get built after it.

Adding them would nearly double our binary tarball size, so I'm inclined to
not include them without a compelling use case.

The source tarball isn't made by a module, despite the descriptor living in
the hbase-assembly module. It could just as easily be in dev-support. The
step of our release process that creates the source tarball does a manual
invocation of the maven assembly plug-in and points at the source
descriptor directly.

On Oct 25, 2017 4:57 PM, "Apekshit Sharma" <> wrote:

Hi folks,

Found some discrepancies in moduleSet <include> list in src.xml and
hadoop-two-compat.xml. Got a crash course on hbase-assembly today by stack.
Throwing some larger questions here;

1. Do we want h-archetypes in binary tar?
2. Shouldn't we be building h-shaded, h-examples and h-archetypes before
h-assembly so that the corresponding jars get included in source/binary
tar? Here's the current build order :

Apache HBase - Archetypes .......................... SUCCESS [  0.006 s]
Apache HBase - Assembly ............................ SUCCESS [  0.281 s]
Apache HBase - Shaded .............................. SUCCESS [  0.006 s]
Apache HBase - Shaded - Client ..................... SUCCESS [  0.010 s]
Apache HBase - Shaded - MapReduce .................. SUCCESS [  0.011 s]
Apache HBase Shaded Packaging Invariants ........... SUCCESS [  0.007 s]
Apache HBase - Exemplar for hbase-client archetype . SUCCESS [  0.096 s]
Apache HBase - Exemplar for hbase-shaded-client archetype SUCCESS [  0.095
Apache HBase - Archetype builder ................... SUCCESS [  0.008 s]

-- Appy

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