On Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 9:14 PM, Stack <st...@duboce.net> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 3:03 PM, Sean Busbey <bus...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Thus far, the shaded jars and the archetypes have only been aimed at
>> consumption during downstream build processes. Namely folks using maven to
>> build an app.
>> For those users, only being published in the Apache Nexus repo matters, so
>> we deployed there (via the deploy step of our release process with release
>> and apache-release maven profiles). We have not, thus far, included those
>> jars in our binary tarball. Thus they aren't listed as dependencies of the
>> assembly module and get built after it.
>> Adding them would nearly double our binary tarball size, so I'm inclined to
>> not include them without a compelling use case.
> Interesting. I'd have said our bin should have all our built product but
> yeah, as you say, archetypes depends on maven context and would make no
> sense in bin tgz.
> If we want to evangelize shaded client as primary access point, would that
> be justification bundling it in bin tgz?

okay so here's a use case. our return from `hbase classpath` is a
nightmare. if you're a downstream user that just wants "hey hbase give
me jars I need to run against you right now." it's garbage. we could
include the shaded jars and return the shaded client for something
like `hbase classpath-client`. Same with replacing `hbase mapredcp`
current output with the shaded mapreduce jar.

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