Hi folks!

I've got 4/5 of the subtasks under HBASE-20331 "clean up shaded
packaging for 2.1" wrapped up and ready if folks could take the time
to review.

The current set of commits all build on each other, there are 5 in total:

* HBASE-20332 shaded mapreduce module shouldn't include hadoop
* HBASE-20333 Provide a shaded client that allows downstream to
provide Hadoop needs.
* HBASE-19735 Create a client-tarball assembly (a change from Josh
that I have +1ed and will push with these)
* HBASE-20615 emphasize use of shaded client jars when they're present
in an install
* HBASE-20334 add a test that verifies basic client and MR integration

In total, these patches make it so that out of the box folks will drop
the number of dependency jars they see at runtime from ~430 to ~280.
If folks turn off our default "also add everything from 'hadoop
classpath' feature, then the number of jars goes from 159 to 10.
(personally I think that hadoop classpath thing is a misfeature, but
I'm trying to keep the scope from creeping here.)

The changes also include new nightly tests that make use of the jars
to interact with a standalone cluster.  On Hadoop 3 it verifies doing
this using Hadoop's client-facing shaded artifacts which further
improves the lives of our downstream users.

If folks would prefer to see the sum of the patches instead of working
through applying them, there's up on a feature branch for the umbrella


Nightly currently has an example run of the test:



Please take a look.


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