On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 11:43 PM Aman Goyal <aman.go...@guavus.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Pls help me with the below query :
> We have missing .regioninfo files for few regions which is preventing
> regions in hbase to enter into open state.

This is an hbase 1.x? What is the error you are seeing Aman?

What does the NPE look like when you run hbck with -fixHdfsOrphans ?

Is there a .regioninfo file in the dir or they are for sure missing when
you do a listing on hdfs?


> Can you give me any idea of how this can be fixed or what all does
> .regioninfo consist of or is it possible to create manually to recover ?
> (edited)
> we have already tried with : hbase hbck -fixAssignments –fixMeta and also
> hbase hbck –fixHdfsOrphans .
> They didn’t work. They throw null pointer exception at the end , following
> are the logs they show :
> Orphan region in HDFS: Unable to load .regioninfo from table
> hdfs://NN-VIP/hbase/data/default/TABLE1/160b59b286645c411484fdbb1a20e156!
> It may be an invalid format or version file.  Treating as an orphaned
> regiondir
> Thanks
> Aman

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