Orthogonal question: you codifying the "damage" you're doing?

I remember trying to debug hbck1 unit test failures (and it was a pain). Coming back with fresh/high-level test scenarios sounds like a great way to keep quality on hbck2 up.

On 10/19/18 1:32 PM, Stack wrote:
  * Lots of progress on an hbck2. It has some basic utility (see below) that
has been useful to me at least hacking on a test cluster I've been doing
damage too this last week or so. It exits with complaint if run against an
hbase that doesn't have support for hbck2 ops (i.e. < 2.0.3 or < 2.1.0) and
it is itself versioned. I'll work on a bit of doc and our Sean is working
on making it easy to find and run over in HBASE-21215
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-21215>. We could cut a 1.0.0RC
inside the next week or so I'd say.

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