Right, this discuss isn't meant to be implying that any of this exists -- instead, I wanted to make sure we're focused on building tooling which both devs and users will find usable and effective.

What's your gut-reaction to what I suggested? I think you're saying you see operators having to apply more understanding/insight to fix a "complex problem" as taking on more risk which you'd have to weigh. In other words, anything less than the verbatim "fix these problems" flags you mentioned earlier would require you to do the risk-analysis math if moving to HBase2?

Thanks for your insights.

On 5/29/19 4:45 PM, Andrew Purtell wrote:
I have yet to see essential HBCK functions in 1 replaced by anything -
documentation, script, hbck2, whatever.

Do we have a tool or script in HBase 2 that can rebuild meta from HDFS
state? This would be faster than a complete restore from backup. It would
be useful and important to offer this option to operators, but not
essential, because it could be valid to say if meta is screwed so are you
and you have to restore completely from backup. Meta is small, a fraction
of total data footprint. Seems a real shame to impose such a high cost when
there could be an alternative. I'd have to think for a while about
accepting this kind of operational risk when HBase 1 has such tooling.

What I am more worried about is this: Do we have a tool or script in HBase
2 that can fix errors in the region chain caused by failed splits, failed
merges, or double assignment? It seems not, and the implications for
service availability are not good when compared with HBase 1. With HBase 1,
hbck is an option. Sure, it has a lot of problematic aspects, but I have
seen it recover a cluster's total availability with fairly fast execution.

It could be valid, not saying I agree with this point, to clearly document
that all aspects of recovery from corrupted metadata is the responsibility
of the operator, at least this is full disclosure. We can then weigh the
cost and risk associated with this policy when deciding if ever to upgrade.

On Wed, May 29, 2019 at 1:13 PM Josh Elser <els...@apache.org> wrote:

My understanding was that recreating sweeping "fix it" flags was an
anti-goal of HBCK2, but I'm surprised a grey-beard hasn't come in to say
confirm/dispute that :). I could be taking that out of context or my dog
remembers things better than I do.

The reasoning behind this line of thinking for HBCK2 is:

* Smaller actions are easier to implement correctly and be well-tested
* The more complex the action, the more likely it is for something we
(as devs) didn't expect to happen which results in a bug.

The "stretch" in my mind is that we can string together small actions to
recreate the bigger ones (the fix* type commands from hbck1), *but*
teach operators to apply knowledge about their cluster instead of
treating hbck like a black box.

For example, if we try to decompose something like fixAssignments into
something like: `for region in $(list non-open regions); do assign
$region; end`. As developers, we don't have to catch every edge case of
_something_ that might be specific to the admin's actual situation (e.g.
what if a table is disabled and we don't want to assign those regions)
and it lets us write better test cases.

Again, this is what I have floating around in my head -- nothing more
than that at present.

On 5/29/19 11:54 AM, Andrew Purtell wrote:
To me this is a succinct specification of minimum functionality for a
recovery tool: using on disk bits, rebuild meta table, with end result a
working cluster that did not miss any data during the reconstruction.

Of course focusing on root causes of metadata mismanagement is
when investigating a specific incident, but this is orthogonal from the
question of whether or not recovery is possible after a bug corrupts
metadata. It is customary for filesystems and databases to ship with a
that attempts recovery after corruption, on the (correct, IMHO)
that corruption is inevitable, either due to logic bug, hardware
or operator error.

The features of hbck in HBase 1 that have resolved availability problems
where I work are: fixMeta, fixAssignments, fixHdfsHoles, fixHdfsOverlaps.
In HBaseFsck.java in branch-2 these are all in the unsupported options
Because these are all lacking in HBase 2 I will not certify it ready for
production to my employer. If there is some other tool which offers these
recovery options I'm not aware of it nor documentation for it and would
appreciate a pointer if you have one.

On Wed, May 29, 2019 at 7:11 AM Toshihiro Suzuki <brfrn...@apache.org>

Thanks Wellington.

I guess those can still be fixed with some combinations of commands
such as merge/assign.

Let me explain the situation I faced in the customer's cluster a little
It seemed like the table data in HDFS was intact but they lost some meta
(in hbase:meta) of the table. So I needed to rebuild the meta from HDFS
In this case, we can still fix with some combinations of commands
today? If
I would appreciate it if you could suggest the steps to me.

And focus on fixing the main root cause of such problems, as a mean to
soften the need of use such commands.

Yes, correct. Actually I usually do that. But I didn't do that in that

On Wed, May 29, 2019 at 5:47 AM Wellington Chevreuil <
wellington.chevre...@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks Toshihiro! I guess those can still be fixed with some
of commands today, such as merge/assign. Of course, it requires some
scripting and log reading on cases where many regions are in an
inconsistent state, maybe we should work on provide a one liner command
that relies on the current existing ones. And focus on fixing the main
cause of such problems, as a mean to soften the need of use such

I'm not really a fan of offlinemetarepair, nor hbck1 fix
would rather not have those back. Sure those are easy and convenient to
trigger, but hbck1 reports are sometimes misleading (for instance, it
reports holes when region(s) on the chain is/are simply not online),
that, combined with availability of such heavy hammers had led
unexperienced operators to fall into running it and getting into a

Em qua, 29 de mai de 2019 às 13:22, Toshihiro Suzuki <

Hi Wellington,

I saw table holes in a customer's cluster actually, and I just fixed
by the workaround I mentioned in HBASE-21665
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-21665> and I didn't dig
why the table holes happened at that time because the customer didn't

However, IMO, whatever the reason I think we should have a direct way
holes and overlaps.

On Wed, May 29, 2019 at 4:57 AM Wellington Chevreuil <
wellington.chevre...@gmail.com> wrote:

So JMS, Toshihiro, seems like upgrading from some 1.x to 2.x
triggers this problem? Do you guys know if there are any bug jiras
that would cover these scenarios? If not, and if you guys have enough
resources for investigating it, maybe worth open a specific jira?

Em qua, 29 de mai de 2019 às 11:40, Jean-Marc Spaggiari <
jean-m...@spaggiari.org> escreveu:

Personnaly, when I tried to upgrade from 1.4.x to 2.2.x I end up
in a
situation where my meta was empty and had to get it repaired, but
OfflineMetaRepair for 2.2.x so I just had to delete all my tables,
brand new installation, recreate the tables and bulkload back the
them. Would have been happy to have a OfflineMetaRepair.

But it's more like an experimental cluster than a production one...


Le mer. 29 mai 2019 à 06:36, Wellington Chevreuil <
wellington.chevre...@gmail.com> a écrit :

Interesting, I haven't seen any cases where OfflineMetaRepair was
required, among our customer base (running cdh6.1.x/hbase2.1.1,
cdh6.2/hbase2.1.2). Majority of RITs issue I had came with on
were related to APs/SCPs failures, most of which could be sorted
commands available by then (in some cases, required some CLI
build up a "bulk" assign command).

Em qua, 29 de mai de 2019 às 00:55, Toshihiro Suzuki <

Hi Josh,

Thank you for the explanation. I agree with the direction for

The problem I wanted to tell you in the Jira is that until we
you mentioned, we don't have any direct way how to fix holes
The holes and overlaps can be created by bugs or operation
so I
think we
should be able to fix these issues.

I thought OfflineMetaRepair could be a workaround for the
the features of HBCK2.


On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 9:12 AM Josh Elser <els...@apache.org>

Context: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-21665

I left a comment on the above issue about what I thought good
build into HBCK2 would be -- a focus on specific "primitive"
that an admin/operator could use to help repair an otherwise
HBase installation. Some examples I had in my head were:

* Create an empty region (to plug a hole)
* Report holes in a region chain

In my head, the difference for HBCK2 was that we want to give
tools to fix their cluster, but we did not want to own the
everything" kind of tool that HBCK1 had become. That problem
was that it was often difficult/problematic for us to know
correctly fix a problem (the same problem could be corrected
different ways).

Andrew had some confusion about this, so I'm not sure if I'm
if we're all in agreement on direction and we just need to
do a
job documenting things. Thanks for keeping me honest either

And just in case it doesn't go without saying, HBCK2 would be
that helps fix a system, while we want to always understand
cause of how/why we got into a situation where we needed
address that.

- Josh

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