For me the only concern is the JDK11+.

As long as lots of big company are starting to make their own OpenJDK8
releases(like AdoptOpenJDK from redhat, and corretto from Amazon, and so
on), at least a big part of java world will still be on JDK8, this means we
still need to run HBase 2 for a very long time?

Lars Francke <> 于2020年2月17日周一 下午6:45写道:

> Sean,
> you didn't have any explicit questions or request for feedback in your mail
> so I'll just say that from my point all the points from your mail make
> sense to me and I'm +1 on all of them.
> - Timeline (GA December/January)
> - Start of shorter release cycle
> - Rolling upgrade
> - JDK11+
> - Hadoop 3 only
> - No more Log4j 1
> - Minimize Hadoop needs
> Thank you for starting this process!
> On Sat, Feb 15, 2020 at 2:55 AM Sean Busbey <> wrote:
> > Hi folks!
> >
> > Consider this the start of my release manager duties for HBase 3.0.0.
> >
> > HBase 2.0 started alpha releases in Jun 2017 and went GA in April
> > 2018. I'd like to start alpha releases for HBase 3.0 next week and aim
> > for a GA in December or January.
> >
> > As RM, I consider the alpha releases a chance for folks to shake
> > things out and for us to decide as a community what makes it in or not
> > for the release line. Once things start being labeled beta, I would
> > like things to be feature frozen. My current goal is to set beta in
> > May or June.
> >
> > I would like HBase 3.0 to be the start of us getting into practice on
> > tighter iteration cycles for major versions. 2.5 years is too long. We
> > should try to look at our version numbers as akin to Linux kernel
> > version numbers. Something useful to those interested in the internals
> > of the project but not something where most downstream users have to
> > dread major bumps. To that end I would like HBase 3.0 to be rolling
> > upgradable from HBase 2.y at GA. Ultimately, I would like to update
> > our reference guide's section on compatibility to state that future
> > major releases will similarly be rolling upgradable from some minor
> > release of the prior major release line.
> >
> > Given my desire to make major upgrades less of a world changing event
> > for our downstream folks, I also don't have any new features that I
> > feel strongly need to make it into HBase 3.0. I'll do a review of
> > what's currently there so we can motivate folks, but I won't do that
> > until we're ready to declare beta since that will be when I'll have a
> > better idea of what's actually ready to ship.
> >
> > With the major version change I'd like us to shed some maintenance
> > burden in the project. For each of these, doing that will require
> > getting a branch-2 release out that can successfully opt-in to the
> > HBase 3 requirement and run on the current HBase 2 requirement. That
> > way folks can do a rolling restart within HBase 2 to make the change,
> > then do a rolling upgrade to HBase 3.
> >
> > = Hadoop 3 only
> >
> > The Hadoop community's focus increasingly is on Hadoop 3.y releases. A
> > substantial amount of our dependency handling is tied to trying to
> > span both Hadoop 2 and Hadoop 3. I would like us to drop Hadoop 2
> > entirely. I think branch-2 is currently in a place where running on
> > Hadoop 3 is reasonable.
> >
> > = JDK11+
> >
> > We've been bending over backwards on jdk versions for a while. Maven
> > build sets up for multiple jdk builds are a PITA and our existing
> > build is already too complicated. I'd like us to get branch-2 into a
> > solid state for running on either JDK8 or JDK11 so folks can do
> > production upgrades on those releases. I'd like HBase 3 to be jdk11+
> > only so that we can reduce our test footprint in the project and start
> > to entertain features that don't work with jdk8. For example, we can't
> > start to figure out how we should fit in the module system as things
> > are.
> >
> > = No more Log4j 1
> >
> > We got through 95% of the work to make our logging system pluggable,
> > but we still ship with log4j 1 as the out of the box solution. I want
> > HBase 3 to ship with some other slf4j backend and I want that same
> > backend to be a realistic option for branch-2 users to deploy in
> > production.
> >
> > = Minimize Hadoop needs
> >
> > I would like to isolate the things we have that reach into Hadoop
> > internals so that we can ease the logistics of changing the Hadoop
> > version we run on and minimize the extra stuff we carry around for
> > those who don't run on Hadoop at all. This will involve moving the
> > stuff we have that reaches into internals into one or more module(s)
> > and updating our artifacts so that we can tell where our hadoop
> > related dependencies are in an installation.
> >

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