This merge vote passes with 4 binding +1's and 3 non-binding +1's.

Thanks everyone. I'll go ahead with the merge into master and see how easily it comes back to branch-2.

On 2021/12/16 21:30:09 Josh Elser wrote:

I'm extremely pleased to send this official vote to merge the feature branch for HBASE-26067[1] into master and backport into branch-2 (2.x, not 2.5.x). This feature branch introduces the pluggable StoreFileTracker interface.

The StoreFileTracker allows the StoreFileEngine to be decoupled from where the HFiles can be found. The DEFAULT implementation of this StoreFileTracker (e.g. files in a family's directory) is still the default implementation. This merge would introduce a FILE implementation which uses a flat-file in each column family to track the files which make up this Store. This feature is notable for HBase as it invalidate the need for HBOSS (a distributed locking layer in hbase-filesystem) when Amazon S3 is used for HBase data.

We had a DISCUSS thread [2] in which the overall sentiment was positive to merge.

Covering some high-level details/FAQ on this work:
* Wellington and Szabolcs have successfully run ITBLL with Chaos Monkies using this feature. * YCSB (load) indicates a slight performance improvement when using S3 as the storage system for HBase as compared to using HBOSS [3] * A new section was added to the HBase book which covers the feature and how to use it. * There is some follow-on work expected, tracked in HBASE-26584 [4], which includes things like making user consumption easier and additional metrics to measure effectiveness of the feature.

As is customary, this vote will be open for at least 3 days (2021/12/19 2130 GMT). We'll follow the standard ASF lazy-consensus rules for code modification (though I do not expect to need the lazy-consensus caveat). Please vote:

+1: Merge the changes from HBASE-26067 to master and branch-2
-1: Do not merge these changes because ...

Big thank you to all of the super hard work that Duo, Wellington, and Szabolcs have put into this feature.

- Josh


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