
The HTTP/2 transport in trunk has been shaping up reasonably well. I
have made some good progress recently and am cautiously optimistic that
there should be a HttpCore 5.0 alpha release with the new non-blocking
HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 transports within a month or two. HttpClient 5.0
alpha should follow in Jan 2017.

There is a few points I wanted to discuss and get some feedback upon.

(1) I no longer see any reason to continue developing the classic
(blocking) server side transport. We only use it for integration tests
internally for integration tests and I feel there is no reason to not
use non-blocking transport for all integration tests instead. 

(2) What would you say about HttpCore 5.0 remaining Java 7 compatible
but HttpClient 5.0 requiring Java 8? 

I do not see HC 5.0 going GA any time sooner than Q4 2017. By that time
Java 9 should be out and Java 8 might be approaching EOL. Two years ago
Java 7 compatibility sounded like a good idea but it looks less so

(3) Never ending trouble with logging toolkits. 

Should be remain faithful to Commons Logging or shall we finally migrate
to SLF4J?

What do you think?


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