Hi All,

I have a short design for the Delayed Workflow and Job Scheduling. Since I
cannot access wiki, I attached with this email. Any feedbacks and comments
are highly appreciated!



Currently, Workflows and Jobs running by Helix requires more flexibility.
For example, some of the jobs need to be started after some jobs finished
for a certain mount of time. Same as Workflow, it may run at specific time,
when some operations have been done.  To better support Workflow and Job
scheduling, Helix should provide a new feature to let user setup the delay
time or starting for specific Workflows and Jobs. Workflows and Jobs should
have an option that allow user set starting time of this Workflow or Job or
set the delaying time for this Workflow and Job, when they are ready to
start. Then Workflows and Jobs can be scheduled at correct time.
Purposed Design

The whole design has been split into two parts, generic rebalancer
scheduling and delay time calculation. Since Job scheduling can be done via
rerun WorkflowRebalancer, Workflow and Job delay scheduling can rely on the
same generic scheduling mechanism. Generic task scheduling tasks the
responsibiliy to set the running time for specific Workflow object. Then
each object has its own starting time calculation algorithm.

Generic Task Scheduling

For generic task scheduling, it is better to have a centralized scheduler,
RebalanceScheduler. It provides four public APIs:
public class RebalanceScheduler {
    public void scheduleRebalance(HelixManager manager, String resource,
long startTime);

    public long getRebalanceTime(String resource);

    public long removeScheduledRebalance(String resource);

    public static void invokeRebalance(HelixDataAccessor accessor, String

Obviously, it offers schedule a rebalancer, get schedule time of a
rebalancer and remove a rebalancer schedule. It also have an API that can
invoke rebalancer immediately. With this RebalancerScheduler, each resource
can be scheduled at certain start time.
Delay Time Calculation

Workflows have a property expiryTime, which is the delay time that for the
Workflow. User can set it by call setExpiry method in WorkflowConfig. For
Job, two methods, in JobConfig, will be provided: setExecutionStart and
setExecutionDelay. Through these API, user can set the delay time and start
time for Workflows and Jobs. Internally, Helix will take the delay time and
start time, which is later.

For the logic implemented in computing Workflows and Jobs, Helix choose to
do real time computation. User can set delay time or start time at
JobConfig. When the job is ready to run, Helix will calculate the "start
time" for delay via current time plus the delay time. Then compare it with
start time if user set it up in JobConfig.

[image: Inline image 1]

   - From user perspective, user have to understand the difference between
   delay time and start time.
   - The WorkflowRebalancer will be called multiple times, which might be
   considered for performance.

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