Thanks for staying on top of this Simhadri.

I will try to help reviewing the PR once I get some time.

What is not yet clear to me from this discussion or by looking at the PR is
the workflow for making a change appear on the web (
Having a README which clearly states what needs to be done is a must.

I also think it is quite important to have instructions and possibly docker
images for someone to be able to test how the changes look locally before
commiting a change to the repo.

Another point that needs clarification is the role of github pages. I am
not sure why it is necessary at the moment and what exactly is the plan
going forward. If I understand well, currently it is used to preview the
changes but from my perspective we shouldn't need to commit something to
the repo to understand if something breaks or not; preview should happen

I would suggest to keep the changes around the revamp as minimal as
possible and not mix the content update with the framework change. As
usual, smaller changes are easier to review and merge. It is definitely
worth updating and improving the content but let's do it incrementally so
that changes can get merged faster.

The list of committers and PMC members for Hive can be found in the apache
phonebook [1]. The list can easily get outdated so maybe we can consider
adding links to [1] and/or github and other places instead of duplicating
the content. Anyways, let's first deal with the revamp and discuss content
changes later in separate JIRAs/PRs.



On Sun, Oct 2, 2022 at 2:41 AM Simhadri G <> wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> I have raised the PR for the revamped Hive Website here:
> I kindly request if someone can help review this PR .
> Until the PR is merged, you can find the updated website here . Please
> have a look and any feedback is most welcome :)
> Few other things to note:
>    - We will need help from someone who has write access to hive-site
>    repo to update the github workflow once PR is merged.
>    - One more important question, I came across this (
> ) page, while moving the .md file
>    to the new website, which lists the current pmc and committers of hive. I
>    noticed that this list is not upto date, a lot of people seem to be missing
>    from this list. May I please know where I can find the updated date list of
>    committers and PMCs which I can refer to and update the page.
>    - Lastly, I plan to add a few more sections to the homepage soon, one
>    of the sections I have in mind is to add an overview of all the apache
>    projects that use or integrate with apache hive... If there are any other
>    suggestions in addition to this please let me know.
> Thanks!
> Simhadri G
> On Sat, Sep 24, 2022 at 7:03 AM Simhadri G <> wrote:
>> Thanks everyone,
>>  I will begin with creating the PR and share the link in this thread soon.
>> Thanks
>> Simhadri G
>> On Sat, 24 Sep 2022, 04:52 Ayush Saxena, <> wrote:
>>> Thanx Everyone,
>>> Almost a week and we don’t seems to have any objections to start with up
>>> revamp task with hive-site repo for now.
>>> Other things as mentioned can be followed up and we can try to ask folks
>>> to establish a PMC consensus if the need be for the futher migration tasks.
>>> Simhadri, would be good to create a Jira and link the PR and drop the
>>> link here in the thread as well, so as people interested can drop
>>> suggestions regarding the design and content of the website over there, for
>>> anything else we can always come back here if we are blocked on something,
>>> or if something more needs to be done in this context.
>>> -Ayush
>>> On 21-Sep-2022, at 6:35 PM, Stamatis Zampetakis <>
>>> wrote:
>>> The javadocs are currently in svn and they can remain there for the
>>> moment. Eventually, they could be moved to a hive-site repository and for
>>> sure we don't want them in the main hive repo. I don't see an immediate
>>> need to change the place where javadocs are stored but if needed we can
>>> raise a JIRA ticket and continue the discussion there. It's not a good idea
>>> to discuss under a closed issue/PR.
>>> The hive-site repo is always gonna be the place for storing the
>>> generated website (html files etc). When you talk about moving back to the
>>> hive repo I guess you refer to the source/markdown files. The decision to
>>> change the process of publishing the website will probably require a PMC
>>> vote with lazy consensus.
>>> I agree that we can start by updating the current setup. Then we can
>>> kick off the discussion about moving the website sources to hive repo and
>>> start publishing from there. I don't know if we need to move the javadocs,
>>> so we can postpone this discussion till we hit an obstacle.
>>> Best,
>>> Stamatis
>>> On Mon, Sep 19, 2022 at 12:01 PM Simhadri G <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Owen, Stamatis, Ayush and Alessandro for the feedback.
>>>>    - Regarding the javadocs and the automatically build and to deploy
>>>>    github-pages discussion in the previous PR thread [1]
>>>>    <>,
>>>>    - Apache Iceberg-docs ([2]
>>>>       <>) has recently set
>>>>       up a github workflow ([3])
>>>> <>
>>>>       to publish the javadocs from a given javadocs dir [4]
>>>>       <> , I
>>>>       think we can setup the same workflow for Hive javadocs.
>>>>       - As Ayush and Stamatis have mentioned, I think over the past 2
>>>>       years, apache infra has added support for github actions and we can 
>>>> confirm
>>>>       that from Apache Iceberg/calcite docs that are currently using it.
>>>>       - But I am not sure regarding which branch or directory we will
>>>>       need to put the hive javadoc files . This needs more discussion and 
>>>> we can
>>>>       follow up on this([5]
>>>>       <>)
>>>>       .
>>>>    -  I am not aware about the procedure or the approvals we need to
>>>>    move from hive-site repo back to the main repository. We will need help
>>>>    with this.
>>>>    - I was able to setup the github action on the POC repo:
>>>>  .
>>>>    - Any changes to this repo/new-site will automatically reflect here
>>>>       once the github workflow completes:
>>>>  .
>>>>       - Considering the feedback, I think we can plan to do in 3
>>>>    phases, for the first cut I would like to update the website in the 
>>>> present
>>>>    setup, followed by moving the javadocs to the hive-site repo  and as for
>>>>    the third phase , we can work on migrating from hive-site to hive repo.
>>>>    - If everyone agrees, can we please go ahead with the first phase?
>>>> [1],
>>>> [2]
>>>> [3]
>>>> [4]
>>>> [5]
>>>> [6]
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Simhadri G
>>>> On Mon, Sep 19, 2022 at 1:50 PM Alessandro Solimando <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>> thanks Simhadri for pushing this forward.
>>>>> I like the look and feel of the new website, and I agree with Stamatis
>>>>> that having the website sources in the Hive repo, and automatically
>>>>> publishing the site upon commits would be very beneficial.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Alessandro
>>>>> On Thu, 15 Sept 2022 at 23:11, Stamatis Zampetakis <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> It's great to see some effort in improving the website. The POC from
>>>>>> Simhadri looks really cool; I didn't check the content but I love the 
>>>>>> look
>>>>>> and feel.
>>>>>> Now regarding the current process for modifying and updating the
>>>>>> website there is some info in this relatively recent thread [1].
>>>>>> Moving forward, I would really like to have the source code of the
>>>>>> website (markdown etc) in the main repo of the project [2], and use 
>>>>>> GitHub
>>>>>> actions to automatically build and push the content to the site repo [3]
>>>>>> per commit basis.
>>>>>> This workflow is used in Apache Calcite and I find it extremely
>>>>>> convenient.
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Stamatis
>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>> [3]
>>>>>> On Thu, Sep 15, 2022 at 10:50 PM Ayush Saxena <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Owen,
>>>>>>> I am not sure if I am catching you right, But now the repository for
>>>>>>> the website has changed, we no longer use our main *hive.git*
>>>>>>> repository for the website, We are using the* hive-site *repository
>>>>>>> for the website, The migration happened this year January I suppose.
>>>>>>> Can give a check to the set of commit here from: gmcdonald
>>>>>>> <> and
>>>>>>> Humbedooh
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> Now whatever you push to main branch of hive-site(
>>>>>>> it gets published on the
>>>>>>> *asf-site* branch by the buildbot(
>>>>>>> Simhadri's changes will be directed to the main branch of the
>>>>>>> hive-site repo and they will get auto published on the asf-site branch, 
>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>> tried this a couple of months back and it indeed worked that way. Let me
>>>>>>> know if we are missing anything on this, I tried to find threads around
>>>>>>> this but not sure if it is in private@ or so, couldn't find, I will
>>>>>>> try again and if there is something around that what needs to be done, I
>>>>>>> will have a word with the Infra folks and get that sorted, if it isn't
>>>>>>> already.
>>>>>>> -Ayush
>>>>>>> On Fri, 16 Sept 2022 at 01:49, Owen O'Malley <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Look at the threads and talk to Apache Infra. They couldn't make it
>>>>>>>> work before. We would have needed to manually publish to the asf-site
>>>>>>>> branch.
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Sep 15, 2022 at 7:54 PM Simhadri G <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Thanks Ayush, Pau Tallada and Owen O'Malley for the feedback!
>>>>>>>>> @Owen , This website revamp indeed replaces the website with
>>>>>>>>> markdown as you have mentioned. I have referred to your PR for some 
>>>>>>>>> of the
>>>>>>>>> content for the site.
>>>>>>>>> The actual code for the website is here:
>>>>>>>>> Once we add markdown files to the source code under /content/ ,
>>>>>>>>> hugo will rebuild the files and generate the static html files in
>>>>>>>>> ./public/ directory.
>>>>>>>>> I have copied over these static files to a separate repo and
>>>>>>>>> temporarily hosted it with gh-pages to start the mail chain.
>>>>>>>>>  For the final site, I am already trying to automate this with
>>>>>>>>> github actions. So, as soon as any new changes are made to the site 
>>>>>>>>> branch,
>>>>>>>>> the github actions will automatically tigger and update the site.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 16, 2022 at 12:17 AM Owen O'Malley <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I found it -
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Sep 15, 2022 at 6:42 PM Owen O'Malley <
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I had a PR to replace the website with markdown. Apache Infra
>>>>>>>>>>> was supposed to make it autopublish. *sigh*
>>>>>>>>>>> .. Owen
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Sep 15, 2022 at 4:23 PM Pau Tallada <>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Great work!
>>>>>>>>>>>> +1 on updating it as well
>>>>>>>>>>>> Missatge de Ayush Saxena <> del dia dj., 15
>>>>>>>>>>>> de set. 2022 a les 17:40:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Simhadri,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanx for the initiative, +1 on updating our current website.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The new website looks way better than the existing one.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can create a Jira and link this to that after a couple of days
>>>>>>>>>>>>> if there aren’t any objections to the move, so as people can drop 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> further
>>>>>>>>>>>>> suggestions over there.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Ayush
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > On 15-Sep-2022, at 8:33 PM, SG <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Hi Everyone,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > The existing apache hive website
>>>>>>>>>>>>> hasn't been
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > updated for a very long time. Additionally, I was not able
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to build the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > docker image associated with the site to test out new
>>>>>>>>>>>>> changes as well.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Since the website is the front page of the project, I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe it would be
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > good to revamp the apache hive website with the latest
>>>>>>>>>>>>> features and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > releases.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > As a result, I have spent some time setting up an initial
>>>>>>>>>>>>> draft of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > website. There are still quite a few things that still need
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > added/updated in the draft.  Here is the prototype site that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I put together
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > so everyone could check it out:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > The new website is based on Hugo. Hugo, is one of the most
>>>>>>>>>>>>> popular
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > open-source static site generators. I was able to get a hugo
>>>>>>>>>>>>> version of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > site up very quickly with a landing page and docs and hugo
>>>>>>>>>>>>> also makes
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > maintaining the site very simple.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Please have a look. Any feedback is much appreciated.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Existing website:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > New website:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Simhadri G
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>> Pau Tallada Crespí
>>>>>>>>>>>> Departament de Serveis
>>>>>>>>>>>> Port d'Informació Científica (PIC)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Tel: +34 93 170 2729
>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------------

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