Greg Stein wrote:
> There shouldn't be any emotions at this point. There is no contention
> between two modules. We are only talking about mod_gz, which Ian posted a
> while back.

If that's the the case, then cool. But I feel that mod_gz would not
have the "support" (or be this far along in the eval and voting
process) it currently enjoys if not for the reaction to the
mod_gzip crud ("Hey, we should consider mod_foo", "Yeah, well
*I* wrote mod_bar which does the same and is much better and if
you guys don't use it you're all a bunch of assholes and besides
that Apache really blows anyway because you never listen to people",
"Oh yeah? Bugger off. mod_foo is *in*" :) :) )

   Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
      "A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order
                   will lose both and deserve neither"

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