On Thu, Dec 27, 2001 at 05:44:22PM -0800, Jos Backus wrote:
> I'm willing to code a patch which allows Apache to run in the foreground in
> its own session. Currently it kills the pgrp it is in even though it didn't
> create it (bad practice imo - only destroy what you create). That is, if there
> is any interest. A previous bugreport in this area was ignored so I may be
> wasting my time. I'll interpret no response as ``no interest, go away''.

I'm not sure what version you are talking about (1.3 or 2.0), but 
on 2.0 Unix-based MPMs, you can run httpd with -DNO_DETACH and it 
will not detach from the terminal.

./httpd -DNO_DETACH

The only place I'm seeing us killing the process group is when you
send a SIGTERM.  Is this what you are talking about?  Do you have 
a better mechanism in mind?  AIUI, some OSes do not deliver signals 
sent to the parent to the children and others do.  I think we were 
attempting to obtain consistency.  I imagine we could have httpd 
set it own process group, but that might not be good either.  
Thoughts?  -- justin

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