On Wed, Feb 27, 2002 at 12:12:27PM -0500, Jeff Stuart wrote:
> face to everyone who uses/depends on Apache.  Of all the programs I
> use/depends (Apache, PHP, Perl, Mysql, mod_perl, Gnome) only here have I
> seen that attitude that the USERS of a program do not matter.  

What I think Roy means is people who contribute are part of the
community.  And, feedback about our releases constitutes a worthy

And, note that Dale who started this thread has made many
contributions, so he is a valued member.  However, I don't really
have a good response to his initial comments since I agree with
them.  One morning, I'll wake up and say "2.0 is GA" and if there
aren't any showstoppers in STATUS, it is.  That's life.  As Ian
pointed out, it's a mystical line in the sand.

But, the fact remains that we won't release 2.0 as a GA until enough
people step up and help contribute towards making it solid.

On my side of the fence as a developer, that means getting betas out
and addressing issues that our users see.  If I didn't value our
users, I wouldn't have spent so much time fighting GNATS in the last
few days to get their bug reports.

On your side as a user, that means you should test our releases or
offer constructive feedback about what we're doing *technically*.
As Ian asked, have you tested Apache 2.0?  A simple, "Hey, this
thing is great!" or "Hey, this thing sucks!" is a contribution in
and of itself.  I think you missed Roy's point entirely.  -- justin

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