> > My only other observation is that any filters added in the subreq
> > must only be added to the top of the rnew->output_filters
> > chain or must be cleanly removed before the subreq returns
> > otherwise the main chain will get corrupted. I haven't seen
> > this happen so far, so maybe this is just a hypothetical
> > concern.
> It isn't hypothetical, but it also isn't a bug we want to protect
> against.  The thing is that the filters added in the subrequest by
> definition must be resource filters, which means that they must be added
> above protocol and connection filters.  If you are adding either a
> protocol or connection filter in a sub request, then you are doing
> something incredibly wrong, and we want the server to fail.

Absolutely. The case I was actually thinking about but didn't clearly 
explain was something like say mod_deflate, which if it were 
"AP_FTYPE_CONTENT_SET" would be above the proto chain passed by 
next_filter. Even so I don't know of any subreq filter that would
get placed after this. 


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