> Hello,
> I've more or less accepted that perchild on FreeBSD 4.X isn't going to
> happen (as sad as it is, I always considered it to be THE feature [1] in
> 2.0 that would warrant an upgrade for us) but what I'd like to know is
> if there is any chance to see perchild on FreeBSD 5 which gets wholly
> new threading and SMP libs?

I agree, and I have been preaching the same thing for a while.  Almost no
point in releasing Apache2 without a working perchild.  Unfortunately
there are other issues as well.  A lot of the 3rd party libs that
something like PHP or mod_perl depends on are not necessarily threadsafe.
As witnessed by FreeBSD's incredibly buggy threading code there aren't a
lot of things using threads heavily on UNIX.  With some notable
exceptions, of course, but very few try to pull in 30 or 40 3rd-party
libraries as well.  We are going to have to fix a bunch of them and mutex
some others before Apache2 with a threaded MPM will be of any use with PHP
or mod_perl.  And I am not sure how to go about identifying the libraries
that aren't qiute threadsafe.  Problems generally only show up under load
and only in certain circumstances.  Especially for the libraries that
claim to be threadsafe but aren't quite for whatever reason.


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