> > I am sure it does, but you also need to recognize that around 40% of all
> > Apache installations have PHP on them.  And 30% or so have mod_perl.  Many
> > actually have both, so there is some overlap, but I would say that over
> > half of all Apache installs have one or both of PHP or mod_perl.
> >
> > Apache 2 is being pitched as a production-quality web server without any
> > mention of the fact that over half of the current Apache sites probably
> > should not upgrade at this point.
> This is definitely worth mentioning in the 2.0 Announcements. Have the
> problems in mod_perl and mod_php been identified, so folks can at least make
> an educated guess whether their site will tickle the known bugs?

Nope, we really have no idea which libraries are threadsafe and which ones


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