At 11:11 PM 10/1/2002, Jerry Baker wrote:
>Currently, authentication is broken with the standard Windows config file and current 
>HEAD. Where is the documentation on the complete mess-up of the auth modules and how 
>to get it working again?

The documentation is not complete, nor hooked up into the main
indexes and directives pages, therefore we aren't releasing the new 
auth schema, and therefore little reason to worry.

Exactly the reason this aught to have been committed on a branch,
or better yet, to the 2.1 tree.

Enough ranting.  2.0.43 will be a bugfix and security release,
and doesn't include this pretty major reorganization.

Need to put the docs and reconfig front and center after .43 goes
out the door, or we should just relegate that code to it's own branch
until it's ready.  I remember we talked about some reasonable time
frame (2 weeks?) that the tree could be broken.  We are kind of
stretching that time table already.


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